Hi there. I wanted to start off by explaining the heading of this blog. In today's world it seems that folks are expected to share as little about themselves as possible. Text messaging, tweets, and the like all seem to be limited to a certain amount of text characters and limits proper spelling. I am not an English major, so if I do misspell a word or if I do not use the proper sentence structure -- I am sorry. Considering that I am not a fan of being limited to using 300 characters or whatever the limit is for "short messages", I have found myself frustrating folks on Facebook because it, too, limits the amount of words in one's initial posts. I try to explain my opinions and/or ideas as much as I can, but due to the limitations, I often fail.
After seeing some of my Facebook posts cause "friends" to get bent out of shape, ones that I was under the impression were relatively innocent, I decided it might be better to limit what I share on Facebook and create a blog so that I could try and better express my opinions and idea and...whatever.
My goal is to show that I am not a superficial person. It is incredibly possible that I had slowly become a bit of a shallow and superficial person in my late 20's and early 30's. I can not deny the possibility of that. However, for me, I find it boring to know nothing of others and I feel I am cheating others if I allow them to know nothing of me.
With this blog, I am not seeking validation of my opinions and thoughts. I am not worried about how many "follower's" I have, if any. My primary goal (for me) is to use this blog as a medium to vent my feelings and thought both positive and negative. I would love it if some folks agreed with what I write, but if they do not, it is not the end of my world. I am always intrigued when someone starts a debate with me, but it frustrates the hell out of me when someone disagrees with me so much that they feel it is okay to crap on my opinion. Yes, I will share things that annoy, frustrate, confuse, and even anger me. They may even provoke the same emotions and feelings from you, the reader. I will also share things that bring a smile to my face or make me laugh or affect me in a positive way, as well. I hope this may translate to some of those that find themselves reading this. Please keep in mind when you read my posts that what I am writing is coming from ME. I am not posting your opinion. I am not posting your ideas and/or thoughts. I am posting things from MY perspective. So try to read what I write knowing that it is being written by someone else.
Yes, sometimes I write things that will ruffle one's feathers, so to speak. I am not trying to piss anyone off, though. I am not looking to start a fight.
My next post will be as brief a history of me and my life as I can manage. That means that it will be about twenty paragraphs long. I hope I am kidding. I may not be, though, since I am trying to NOT be superficial. There are definitely things I would like to share with others but, ultimately, this blog is for me. Sometimes I feel like writing things down but they seem to be inappropriate for Facebook users. LOL! I love it, too. A social network that doesn't really want to be social.
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